Thursday, May 18, 2006

5 Weeks Old Today

Well, Baby Schiller is 5 weeks old today. We took her to her last midwife appointment with Mina. She was weighed and measured...Get this 9lb 6oz...! I couldn't believe it. That's over 3 pounds in 5 weeks. I guess she's getting enough to eat! She had grown 6cm in length - which would make her 54cm - which is about 21 inches.

Jayla has been such a treat. We love her to pieces. In fact, everyone loves her to pieces - grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles...she's a wonderful addition to our family. She's so adorable too and we just love when she curls her little legs in and snuggles her head into our necks...and cuddles. It's a wonderful feeling. I love holding her like this and I can smell her little head, or rub her soft cheeks.

Mommy isn't getting a lot of sleep. However, last night was a good night. We got her settled at about 11:45pm then she slept till 1:30am - fed her till 2am then she slept till 4:15am fed her till 5am she slept till 7:10am. Then she cluster fed till it was time to leave for the appointment at 10:30am. It was a good night. I guess that's kind of sad when 3 - 2-hour sessions is a good night. I guess I'm just waiting for the day that her 2 hour sleeps turn into 3 hour sleeps - and we heavily increase her 1 hour sleep sessions!

Daddy has been sleeping in the spare room, so hopefully his night time sleeps are going well for him. I'm sure he hears us up when I change Jayla's diaper, but I think all in all he's getting enough sleep to protect himself from the 'possibly violent prisoners' at work the next day. There's been a few times I've had to resort to waking him up for some support. But for the most part, I've been able to handle the long, sleepless nights on my own. Daddy is a great help though. From the time he gets home until the time we go to 'bed'...he's right in there changing diapers, cuddling, soothing, loving our little daughter. It brings a tear to my eye. It's really very touching how much Martin loves his little girl.

Oh and one more thing about today...It's our 1-year anniversary. Yes, that's right. One year ago today, we were standing on the beach, having some nazi spanish judge lady randomly spew out words that we didn't understand, but in the end resulted in Martin and I being husband and wife. We are so in love with each other and so happy to be able to share this tremendous amount of love with our little baby Jayla!

I know it was a little late to start this blog...however, I'll try and keep up with it. And we'll add pictures when we can too.


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