Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our Baby, the Piranha

Okay, so the biting has started. I knew it was a possibility, but I always thought, nah, she won't bite me, she loves me....I guess it's not a matter of love, she's in pain, and it feels good to bite. I tried to be stern with her. "No biting, it hurts mommy"....I don't know if she gets it or not. It's happened 4 times already, and that's just one tooth....what happens when more come?

This week we've been to two baby sign presentations. And another one tomorrow night. Then we'll decide if we need to take a course. I've actually found a couple of really good websites to look up signs for different things. And since we really just want the basics, I'm thinking that we'll probably just do it on our own. I understand consistency is the key, so we'll have to get Daddy on board too...and maybe even Grandma and Grandpa and the aunts and uncles....It was actually quite fun. We learned a few songs yesterday. Hence learning the signs for words like: cow, horse, pig, chicken, duck, bird, yellow, red, blue, brown, green, frog, sit, jump, bug, pool, bell, drum, symbols, piano, shoes, please, apple, pear, orange, plum, ice cream, cheese...hmm..that's all I can think of now....Oh, but Jayla doesn't know them all yet! Haha...actually she doesn't know any of them.

Jayla has been pretty good through the teething stuff. There are times when I can tell that she's really in pain from the teeth, and other times, she's just mildly whining about the pain, or irritation. She's all rashy though - the poor little monkey. Rash on her bum, legs, and face...that's the worst the face. I think that has a lot to do with all the saliva that ends up on her cheeks. And her fingers are in there all the time still. I have been giving her some tempra here and there...just when I know that she needs something more than a finger to chew on, or the teething ring.

We go for her 6 month appointment tomorrow (even though she was 6 months last Friday). According to our scales at home, she is 21.5lbs. So we'll see how accurate that is. If she gained 5lbs from last appointment, that would put her at about 21lbs 11oz. - which seems to be the trend. I thought they were supposed to slow down though. Oh and I'm sure the doctor will tell us that we can start her on solids (other than cereal). I actually did give her a taste of apple yesterday. I cooked it up and put it in the food mill and added it to some cereal for a little snack in the afternoon. And I have given her some pear (in the mesh food bag). I'm not in a big hurry to jump into meals though, mostly because we don't seem to be on a solid feeding schedule even with the nursing. I suppose we need to get that all straightened out first.

Let's see...what else? Did I mention yet how much I love Jayla! OMG...she is the most amazing person in this world. It's incredible how quick they grow (in terms of weight as well as skills, personality, learning new things etc). I'm in awe everyday. Her newest thing is blowing raspberries...all day long. Even with a mouth full of cereal. Duck for cover! And also screaming....happy-ish screams. It's more like she thinks she's being ignored, so she screams. It used to be a squeal (about 2 weeks ago that started) and it's slowly progressed into more of a scream. I just hope this phase doesn't last long. I mean, yes, she has every right to express herself. I guess it's due to the colic....who knows, maybe it has something to do with it. She learned to be very vocal during that 17.5 weeks.... Anyway, if she screams or doesn't scream...I still love her with all my heart.

I took a few black and whites of Jayla...I'm going to post them...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

We have a tooth!

Well, our little Jayla has a tooth...Yep, that's right, her first tooth. It started to come out on Sunday, and now, it's a sharp little sucker. Ouch! (and yes, I'm still nursing, but no bites yet). She has a bad rash on her face and her little bum - poor little pumpkin! The rashes don't seem to bother her, but I'm sure her gums do. Her fingers have been permanantly living in her mouth for the past few weeks. The other thing that's suffering is 'our' sleep, since her sleeping or lack there of, has a direct impact on my sleeping. She had been doing so well with the sleeping - 11 hours a night - straight through for like 6 weeks, but then when the tooth started coming through, she's been waking up like 2-3 hours after she goes to bed for the night....crying - like a painful cry. And I can't ignore that. So, of course I come to her rescue with food and cuddles.
I do have comfort in knowing that I didn't do anything different when she did start sleeping through the night, so I guess eventually she'll go back to sleeping through again. I still (well, we still) get 8 hours - because she goes back to sleep after eating a bit more, and sleeps through till morning.

This Saturday we have a wedding to go to out of town. Nana and Papa will be looking after Jayla. We're going to be leaving her from 2:30pm until about 9:30 or 10:00pm...and I know it's not a long time, but it's over her bedtime. And since I'm the one that usually puts her to sleep (okay 99% of the time) - I'm a little worried about how it's going to go. Jayla's going to be all out of sorts....well, that's what I'm afraid of. I know we'll get through it. But I'm worried nonetheless.

Okay, well, we gotta go get our new couches unwrapped and situated in the new, I must go!

Oh, one more thing, we have Jayla's 6 month appointment on Thursday - so, I'll try and update after that.