Wednesday, January 17, 2007

She said mama!

It was a proud day for me on Saturday January 13th. This was the day that Jayla turned 9 months and also the day she finally decided to say mama! It was so sweet. Up till this point she hasn't really objected if I leave the room (to go to the bathroom, or grab some water), but all of a sudden, she decided she didn't like me leaving her. She kept repeating it, mama, mama, mama, and looking up at me, with her arms stretched out. She wanted me to pick her up. I think I read that this is when separation anxiety might, I guess she was right on the mark with this happening the day she turned 9 months.

I know I haven't updated in a while, so here's the new stuff: she claps to either paddy-cakes, or if you're happy and you know it..., she dances, on command, and if I sing row-row-row your boat, she rocks forward and's very cute....Let's see...if put in a standing position by the coffee table, she will lean against it and stand for a while, she has a great pincer grasp, for cheerios, but she hasn't figured out that she can eat them by herself, so she let's mommy or daddy feed her. She will feed herself a baby mum-mum cracker though...She also said more on Saturday. And I think she actually knew what she was saying. I was giving her Cheerios, in between doing dishes, and I guess she was ready for another, and she shouted out "MORE"...but it was more like "MOH"....LOL!

Jayla is really a lot of fun....I think the past few month have been the most fun so far. She's so interactive and oh, another thing...we were passing her around the table on Sunday night so she could give 'hugs' to everyone. We would say, 'give me a hug'....and she would lean in and put her arms around me and nestle her head into my was so cute. She is actually quite cuddly sometimes, which I love. Jayla loves playing with her toys...she got a cute little bird house with 4 little birds for Christmas and this is one of her favorite toys...we play peek-a-boo with the birds...It's so cute. She giggles and then goes looking for the 'hidden' bird!

I am still nursing Jayla, however, my supply is slowly diminishing. I think we'll probably wait till we get all settled in the new house before I fully wean her. But I would like to be completely done nursing by about 11 months. That will give us a month or so before I go back to work for her to get on a schedule with the bottles and solids...

Oh the dreaded W word...I really am not looking forward to going back. I don't know if it's going back so much as the fact that I will have to leave Jayla in the care of someone else. A stranger, really. It's going to be so hard. We're going to plan a few little visits before I go back, with the day care provider. One with me and then a couple on her own, just so the sitter can get used to Jayla's schedule and she can get used to theirs...

So speaking of moving...yep, we're moving in about 3.5 weeks...I'm very excited, but I've been procrastinating with the packing. It's like I think everything is just going to magically hop into a box and move itself...But then it's also because it's hard to pack stuff that we're still using. I'm sure it'll all work out. We'll get it all done...And we have two weeks to get all of our stuff out of, no need to worry...

Well, I guess that's all for now...oh except for some of just before 9 months, Jayla was 28.5 inches and 24.5lbs....OMG!!! What a big girl...Yep, she is....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

11/11/2008 6:22 AM  

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